People of art, creators, today I want to talk to you!

People of art, creators, today I want to talk to you!

Oh, how wonderful it is that contemporary art has acquired digital form. Today, any London schoolboy Ahmed person with a creative spark, can create, for example, his own NFT collection with a market valuation of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The market highly rates pixel punks, yachting monkeys, whales, seals, and other fauna because people see their artistic value.

But what if NFT investors are laundering money or just trying to get a bigger delta by reselling tokens to each other? Is that why the digital NFT art market has dropped so severely?..🤔

Let's face it: there are just as few true artists in the digital world as there are in the real world. The servers of dozens of NFT marketplaces and IPFS are filled with terabytes (if not already petabytes) of useless garbage. The reputation of NFT images could be much better. Why and for whom are you creating?

Let me offer you a new form of creativity and installation:

  • discover a new facet of your work in competition for public votes

  • get more of your fans and connoisseurs of your work

  • increase the value of your NFTs in victories

  • monetize your victories in USDT

  • find new ideas and cooperation

If, all of a sudden, you have mastered graphic editors but have never dealt with smart contracts or NFT marketplaces. If you've never been in the open sea ⛵️ Don't worry! It's not that difficult to create an NFT there. I will help you understand how to work with them.

Come in, get comfortable: watch Battles, participate in them, and bring your creativity to the masses. If you are with me, you already know that you can also make money on NFT art in a completely new way, without parting with your masterpieces 😉 Compete in your exclusivity and genius, in your creations, which can be presented in the form of NFT.

You can find all these here on Scroo-G - a platform specialized for Battles.

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